How to Write Children's Book: Beginners Guide

how to write children books

Children's books are one of the best ways to introduce your children to the world of reading and help them develop language skills. Writing a children's book may seem like a daunting task, but under the proper guidance and tools, it can also be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the process of writing a children's book and share tips for making your book stand out from the crowd.
Step 1: Define your target audience

Before you start writing, it's important to determine the age range and interests of your target audience. Children's books can be categorized into different age groups, such as picture books (ages 2-8), chapter books (ages 6-10), and young adult books (ages 12-18). Knowing your audience will help you customize your story and writing style to meet your audience's needs and expectations. 

Children's book writers should also keep in mind the adults who will be purchasing the books for the children. Adults are often the decision-makers when it comes to buying children's books, so it's essential to appeal to both children and adults.

Step 2: Choose a concept and theme

Once you have determined your target audience, it's time to brainstorm the ideas for the story. Children's books often revolve around a central theme or message, such as friendship, diversity, or overcoming challenges. Choose a concept that resonates well with your audience and create a story that delivers a positive message.

Children's book writers should focus on creating a story that has both a surface-level message and a deeper meaning; this will help engage children and adults and give your story a long-lasting impact.

Step 3: Develop your characters

The characters in your story are the heart of your book. Children's book characters should be relatable, likable, and memorable. Think about what makes your characters unique and how they can teach your audience valuable lessons. Avoid creating characters that are too perfect; imperfect characters can help children learn that it's okay to make mistakes and that everyone has flaws.

Step 4: Write and revise your manuscript

Once you have developed your concept, theme, and characters for the story, it's time to start writing your manuscript. Focus on creating a story that flows effortlessly and engages with your audience. After completing your first draft, remember to take a break and return to revise with fresh eyes. Revise your manuscript and make any necessary changes.

Also, consider getting feedback from an outside source, such as a writing group, freelance editor, or professional critique. They will see issues you don't see and will help make your manuscript stronger before you start submitting it to publishers.

Step 5: Submit to a publisher

Once your manuscript is as polished as possible, start researching publishers who would be a good fit for your work. You wouldn't send your picture book manuscript to a YA publisher, and you wouldn't send your fictional story to a publisher that primarily publishes nonfiction. Only send your manuscript to publishers who fit the genre, style, tone, and age group of your story. If your story needs illustrations, like a picture book or chapter book, the publisher will pair your manuscript with a talented illustrator. No need to hire one yourself. It may take many submissions to find the right publisher, but it will be worth it when you see your book in print.

Step 6: Market and promote your book

Once your book is ready for publishing, it's time to start marketing and promoting it. Building a robust online presence through social media and a personal website can help you reach a wider audience. You can also attend book fairs, events, and other opportunities to promote your book.

It is always recommended that writers must develop a marketing plan before their book is released. A marketing plan can help you stay organized and focused, thus ensuring your book gets the exposure it deserves.

Selling children's books can be challenging, but with the right guidance, you can make your book stand out in the market. The IFW offers a comprehensive program for children's book writers that provides direction and support through every step of the writing and publishing process.

Tips for Selling Children's Books

  • Write for the child in yourself: Remember what it was like to be a child and the books you loved reading. Then, write a story you would have enjoyed as a child and will also appeal to children today.
  • Focus on your unique selling point: What sets your book apart from other children's books in the market? Highlight your unique selling point in your marketing and promotional materials to help your book stand out.
  • Build a strong brand: Establish a recognizable brand for your book by developing a consistent visual style and voice across all your marketing channels. It will help readers remember your book and associate it with your brand.
  • Engage with your readers: Connect with your readers through social media, book signings, and other events. Build a community around your book by engaging with your readers and encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences.
  • Use book reviews: Book reviews are essential for promoting your book. Encourage your readers to leave reviews on various book review sites. Positive reviews can help attract new readers and increase your book's visibility in the market.
Final Thoughts

Writing a children's book can be an exciting and rewarding experience, which requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Professional and experienced mentors from Institute for WRITERS can help you conceptualize a book that will stand out in the market and appeal to both children and adults. Remember to focus on your target audience, develop a strong concept and theme, create relatable characters, and market your book effectively. With the proper guidance and support, you can achieve your dream of becoming a successful children's book writer.


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